Deepening green roots in Africa

Greenpeace Africa's Annual Report 2016

Publication - August 2, 2017
For Greenpeace Africa, 2016 was critical in defining a new pathway, a new trajectory and a new beginning for Greenpeace on the continent. We initiated the process of a new Three Year Strategic Plan 2017-2019, where every team and individual was involved and participated in defining the organization's new direction.

It was an exciting, as well as a stormy time for Greenpeace Africa and its programmes. We survived a turbulent year with major senior staff  movement, among them the Executive Director. We then welcomed Njeri Kabeberi, who is steering the ship to a new wave. 

There’s good evidence that 2016 will remain the year which brought about a new turning point for Greenpeace in Africa. We have made great strides in the three year plan which focuses on building a new wave of environmental activism on the continent - an environmental movement for Africa by Africans.

As we look to the future to bring this vision to life, we wish to extend a special thank you to the board of Greenpeace Africa, for their unwavering support and commitment to the growth and stability of Greenpeace on the African continent. We are grateful to our volunteers, our donors, supporters and our sta  who have been at the centre of de ning the great new pathway.

Read more about our work in 2016 in this latest Greenpeace Africa Annual Report - Deepening green roots in Africa
