221 resultaten gevonden

From green energy to waste subsidy

Rapport | 24 november, 2003 om 23:00

A Greenpeace position paper on green electricity

The tiger in the tanks

Rapport | 23 februari, 2003 om 23:00

ExxonMobil, oil dependency and war in Iraq

English Version: Impacts of climate change in Belgium

Rapport | 7 september, 2004 om 23:00

Report commissioned by Greenpeace and written by Jean-Pascal van Ypersele and Philippe Marbaix, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium. July 2004.

Een nieuwe weg die mobiliteit en klimaat verzoent

Rapport | 23 april, 2009 om 23:00

Zal België enkele maanden voor de internationale klimaatonderhandelingen in Kopenhagen van december ditjaar blijk geven van politieke incoherentie door de impact van de auto op zijn grondgebied te versterken?In de aanloop naar Kopenhagen moet...

REDD and the effort to limit global warming to 2 °C

Rapport | 1 juni, 2009 om 23:00

The impact of implementing REDD (Reducing emissions from deforestation and degradation) in the context of a global effort to combat climate change.

Forests for Climate : Developing a hybrid approach for REDD

Rapport | 1 juni, 2009 om 23:00

The Greenpeace Forests for Climate (Tropical Deforestation Emission Reduction Mechanism TDERM) proposal for a hybrid market-linked fund would provide the financing needed to help protect the world's remaining tropical forests by reducing...

Forests for Climate - fact sheet

Rapport | 1 juni, 2009 om 23:00

Protecting the world’s remaining tropical forests is a key part of the solution to tackling the climate crisis. Tropical forests, the "lungs of the earth" are giant carbon stores. When they are destroyed through logging or burning, this carbon is...

Carbon Scam: Noel Kempff Carbon Action Project and the Push for sub-national Forest...

Rapport | 15 oktober, 2009 om 23:00

Rapport dat aantoont hoe bosbescherming in Bolivia als schaamlapje dient voor CO2-uitstoot van American Electric Power, BP en Pacificorp.

The carbon logic

Rapport | 24 november, 2003 om 23:00

This report shows the implications for overall fossil fuel use, in the form of a 'carbon budget' over the next century if the global community is to prevent dangerous climate change.

Solar Generation : electricity for over 1 billion people and 2 million jobs by 2020 -...

Rapport | 24 november, 2003 om 23:00

By the time the generation born today reaches adulthood in 2020 solar energy could easily provide energy to over a billion people globally and provide 2.3 million full-time jobs. By 2020 solar can provide a projected 276 terawatt hours of energy.

181 - 190 van 221 resultaten.

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