Last week in Russia was one of the best weeks in over two months. All of the Arctic 30 have been granted bail and released from prison in St. Petersburg.

Already, heartwarming images are coming out of some of the emotional reunions between A30 detainees and their loved ones outside the jail in St Petersburg. It reminds us all of the human story behind the headlines. These are real people who have put everything on the line to protect the Arctic.

Despite the good news about the majority of the Arctic 30 being granted bail, there is still a long road ahead. The 28 activists and a photographer and videographer still face ludicrous charges of hooliganism in Russia, which carries a maximum sentence of seven years. And we still don’t know if the bailed activists are going to be able to go home or if they must stay in Russia for the next three months.

We must continue to keep the pressure on Russian Authorities, urging them to drop the charges and at the same time demand that the Conservative government speak out on behalf of the two Canadians that are facing these serious charges. Here are some ways you can help!

      1. Donate to the Arctic campaign. The 30 people on the Arctic Sunrise put their freedom on the line to protect the Arctic for all of us. Now in return we must do everything we can to help the cause they were fighting for.
      2. Send a letter to John Baird, Conservative Minister of Foreign Affairs, and ask him to bring Alexandre and Paul home for good.
      3. If you've already emailed John Baird, then send him a tweet! Here are some suggestions:


Ask @HonJohnBaird to bring home Paul Ruzycki and Alexandre Paul.

Angela Merkel has called for the freedom of the #Arctic30. What about you @HonJohnBaird? #FreeTheArctic30

#Arctic30 Canadians wrongfully accused of piracy and hooliganism. @HonJohnBaird needs to speak up. #FreeTheArctic30

Thank you for standing with the Arctic 30!