Canned tuna buyer beware. This back to school season Greenpeace is urging parents and students to choose their tuna brand wisely as some are far from ocean-friendly. Canada's biggest brand, Clover Leaf, sources from tuna fisheries that kill far more than just tuna. Sharks, other fish species, rays, sea turtles and even baby tuna from vulnerable stocks are being wasted in order to fill the brand's cans. Click on our blackboard to go to our interactive tuna ranking.

Greenpeace volunteers across Canada deliver presentations on ocean issues in schools. If you would like to request a presentation for your school, please click on the link below and fill-out the form.

Request a school presentation


Want to know more about tuna?


Move your mouse over the tuna can below to learn more about how destructive fishing methods affect a number of species in our oceans.
