Memorandum on the incompatibility of state aid to Hinkley Point C with the internal market

Publication - September 24, 2014
State aid to the Hinckley Point C new nuclear power station – violation of Article 8 (1) of Directive 2009/72/EC – incompatibility with the internal market.

With this submission, Greenpeace provides additional comments on the draft state aid measure that the UK notified in October 2013, in view of funding the construction and the operation of a new nuclear power station at Hinckley Point.

On 7 April 2014, Greenpeace filed a response to the Commission consultation, highlighting several grounds of the incompatibility of the notified measure with the internal market. Greenpeace maintains in particular that state aid to the construction and operation of new nuclear plants violates the environmental principles enshrined in Article 191 TFEU, without contributing to a common interest objective. In this memorandum we focus exclusively on the violation of Article 8 (1) of Directive 2009/72/EC and on its legal consequences.

State aid SA.34947 (2013C) Greenpeace 2nd Submission (Article 8 Electricity Directive)
