4 results found

Silent Spring, 2017

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 2 June, 2017 1 comment

In 1962, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring , drawing attention to the impact of DDT on bird populations. Her book inspired most nations to ban DDT by the 1980s. The ban and other protection efforts helped save some bird species...

Neonicotinoids: A serious threat for flower-hopping life-bringers and many more animals

Blog entry by Anne Valette | 12 January, 2017

At this point most people know about neonicotinoids and the serious risk they pose to honey bees. Bees are a link in a chain of biodiversity and pollination of incredible value to our food production. Up to 75% of our crops directly...

Amazon Drought

Image | 29 September, 2010 at 17:31

29 September 2010 - 240 km southwest of Manaus. Over the last months, the main rivers that compose the Amazon basin, and the western Solimões River in particular, have been going through a strong drought.

Scarlet Macaw in Cristalino State Park

Image | 3 October, 2007 at 3:00

Scarlet Macaw (Ara macao) are seen here in Cristalino State Park. This park reserve is one of the most bio-diverse in the region and is currently under threat from illegal logging and fire.

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