4 results found

Santa Relocation Project

Blog entry by James Turner | 21 December, 2012 4 comments

If you’re a fan of our Save the Arctic Facebook page , may have seen some interesting changes recently. For the past few days we’ve hosted something called the Santa Relocation Project. We’ve been asking people this simple question: ...

Forget about a white Christmas - here’s 10 ways to make your holiday season green!

Blog entry by LisaV | 17 December, 2010 18 comments

This morning I cycled to work through the newly settled snow and for the first time this year - found myself in the winter holiday spirit. Here in Amsterdam at the Greenpeace International office - we’re surrounded by a snowy white...

World's tallest living Christmas tree is

Image | 18 December, 2003 at 1:00

World's tallest living Christmas tree is home to Greenpeace activists in Tasmania.

Red Light Rudolph

Video | 12 December, 2006 at 17:42

How does his nose shine so bright?

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