5 results found

23 Greenpeace activists blockade tar sands operation

Feature story | 1 October, 2009 at 2:00

'Dying for climate leadership' - is the message 23 Greenpeace activists, from Canada, France, Germany and Brazil, took to the heart of Canada’s deadly tar sands development today. Shutting down a conveyor belt in an open pit mine, they renewed...

Reflecting on the first action in the tar sands

Blog entry by laurak | 30 September, 2009 8 comments

Nuclear News for November 12th 2008

Blog entry by Justin | 12 November, 2008

Some other stories from the nuclear industry you may have missed: Mlive.com: A radioactive cheese grater at Genesee Township landfill points out toxic dangers from Chinese products ‘According to the state Department of...

No redemption

Blog entry by laurak | 29 September, 2009 6 comments

During our action in the tar sands of northern Alberta, Canada last week we were running a Twitter and comment feed on the Stop the Tar Sands landing page - so that while people watched the live video feed of our activists they...

Indymedia: 16 000 Gather to protest against Castor

Blog entry by Justin | 10 November, 2008

8 November - A crowd of 16 000 people demonstrated against the Castor transport in Gorleben today, marching through the town and eventually settling just outside of it, near to the gates of the "Zwischenlager" - the temporary nuclear...

1 - 5 of 5 results.