6 results found

Thousands ride to save the Arctic!

Blog entry by Cristiana de Lia | 6 October, 2014 1 comment

This weekend, something truly amazing happened. In more than 30 countries, and as many as 160 cities, more than 20,000 people took to the streets to make a strong and diverse call to save the Arctic, celebrating the top of our world...

Beating climate change, either lead or get out of the way

Blog entry by Arin de Hoog | 22 September, 2014

Yesterday, over half a million people in 160 countries across the world marched against climate change. What clearer signal can there be to policy leaders that they need to either lead or get out of the way? Leading means using...

The day we came together to defend the Arctic

Blog entry by Kumi Naidoo | 16 September, 2013 2 comments

On Sunday, something incredible happened. I got on my bike, I cycled around Washington DC and 14,000 people came with me, in over 106 cities, in 36 countries, in every continent around the world. I joined the biggest demonstration ever...

'Ice Ride' Day Of Action, Worldwide

Image gallery | 17 September, 2013

'Ice Ride' Day Of Action 2014

Image gallery | 6 October, 2014

Ice Ride: the global bike ride to defend the Arctic

Video | 19 August, 2013 at 12:00

The rush for Arctic oil is on. And the only thing that will save the Arctic is a truly global movement. With your help, this could be the biggest ever event in defence of the Arctic. It's easy to take part, just grab you bikes, dress in Arctic...

1 - 6 of 6 results.