5 results found

Where is the hope?

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 30 November, 2016 2 comments

I’m not sure we can win with logic.  How do we reverse species loss, climate change, toxins, general overshoot of Earth’s generous habitats? We have the science, but humanity at the large scale does not appear to have the political...

Ecological bankruptcy

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 4 May, 2016 2 comments

There may not be a single large-scale industry or multi-national corporation on Earth that is genuinely profitable if they had to account for their ecological impact. A recent UN-supported report shows that the world's 3,000 largest...

Breaching environmental boundaries: UN report on resource limits

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 21 October, 2016 1 comment

This summer, the United Nations International Resource Panel (IRP), published 'Global Material Flows and Resource Productivity', a report that admits what ecologists have been saying for decades: resources are limited, human...

Ecology and Money

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 6 October, 2015 4 comments

On Friday, September 17, the US Federal Reserve blinked in the face of unrelenting, global economic malaise. This private bank, which possesses the monopoly to print US money, had promised to raise interest rates a paltry 1/4-percent,...

Are limits to growth real?

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 17 January, 2015 3 comments

In 2002, global warming denialist and anti-environmental gadfly Bjørn Lomborg consigned the 1972 book, The Limits to Growth, to "the dustbin of history." However, 42 years of data now appear to vindicate the book’s premise, that the...

1 - 5 of 5 results.