
The Amazon is the planet's largest remaining rainforest, teeming with more wildlife than anywhere else on Earth. But this majestic rainforest is caught between the twin destructive forces of deforestation and climate change. Greenpeace is campaigning for an end to deforestation in the Amazon by 2015 and globally by 2020.

The Amazon is a vast and majestic rainforest teeming with an estimated quarter of all known land species. The jaguar, the pink river dolphin, the sloth, the world's largest flower, a monkey the size of a toothbrush and a spider the size of a baseball are just a few of the species that we know about - there are many more yet to be discovered.

It is also home to over 20 million people including hundreds of indigenous peoples, some of which have never been contacted by the 'outside world'.

And finally, the Amazon stores 80 to 120 billion tonnes of carbon, helping to stabilise the planet's climate.

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INFOGRAPHIC: What you should know about the heart of the Amazon

Blog entry by Alia Lassal | 27 May, 2016

The Tapajós River is one of the last free-flowing rivers in the entire Brazilian Amazon. But this river in the heart of the rainforest and the people and ecosystems that depend on it face a serious threat. Here’s what you need to...

10 years ago, the Amazon was being bulldozed for soy. Then everything changed.

Blog entry by Paulo Adario | 10 May, 2016 3 comments

This week – after months of negotiation and uncertainty – the Brazilian government, the soy industry and civil society organizations, including Greenpeace, indefinitely renewed an agreement keeping huge swathes of Amazon rainforest...

Six months later: communities are still suffering from one of Brazil’s worst...

Blog entry by Alan Azevedo | 6 May, 2016

Six months have passed since one of the worst environmental tragedies in Brazil’s history: the Samarco dam collapse . On 5 November, 2015, Samarco’s mining waste dam gave way, releasing a torrent of contaminated mud that killed 19...

From the heart of the Amazon to the heart of corporate power: how Indigenous...

Blog entry by Daniel Brindis | 28 April, 2016 1 comment

Today, Munduruku Indigenous representatives and activists traveled thousands of kilometres from the heart of the Brazilian Amazon to the annual shareholder’s meeting of General Electric (GE) in the United States. Their goal: to...

This huge Amazon dam was just stalled. Now it's time to stop it!

Blog entry by Danicley Aguiar | 22 April, 2016 1 comment

It’s a good week for the Amazon rainforest! Just yesterday, Brazil’s environmental agency – Ibama – announced it was suspending the license to build the massive São Luiz do Tapajós dam on the Tapajós River. The reason? The agency...

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