Nuclear threat towards the USA or from the USA?

Press release - 10 June, 2002

Trade in MOX is the real threat to security

The allegation that Al Queda terrorists were contemplating the

development of dirty nuclear bombs begs the questions: from

where would they have got the material.

The US government is a key player in the politics and trade of

nuclear material. If Al Queda planned to detonate a radioactive

dirty bomb, then the US Administration should look to their own

back yard for the source of this deadly matter.

"The US Administration directs and negotiates the sale of

nuclear material that is capable of making both dirty and more

sophisticated nuclear bombs. It also has wholly insufficient

safeguards for its own deposits of nuclear waste. It is right

that US citizens should be appalled at the prospect of anyone

even contemplating exploding a radioactive weapon in their

country, as any other citizen would, but what is needed now is

a global ban on nuclear materials, not just a focus on a single

terrorist threat," said Greenpeace disarmament campaigner,

William Peden.

A shipment of plutonium sanctioned by the US Administration is

currently being made ready in Japan for transport to the UK in

the coming weeks. On its own it could create 50 "dirty bombs".

" Nuclear weapons are not created in caves in Afghanistan. The

material to produce them is traded on a global scale and stored,

usually without adequate safety or security, in the USA, Europe

and Asia. Until that global trade is ended, the US and every

other country will be under threat." added Peden.
