Greener Electronics Nokia Ranking - 10th Edition

Publication - 24 November, 2008

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Executive summary: Nokia stays in 1st place with a total score of 6.9, dropping slightly from 7. Although its score for its support of Individual Producer Responsibility has dropped, Nokia now scores maximum points for its comprehensive voluntary take-back programme, which spans 124 countries providing almost 5000 collection points for end-of-life mobile phones. However, its recycling rate of 3-5% is very poor and more information is needed on how Nokia calculates these figures. Nokia scores very well on toxic chemical issues, launching new models free of PVC since the end of 2005 and aiming to have all new models free of brominated flame retardants and antimony trioxide by the end of 2009.Nokia’s energy score is boosted by sourcing 25% of its total energy needs from renewable sources in 2007 and by having a target to increase use of renewable energy to 50% by 2010. Nokia commits to reduce its energy use but loses a point for not providing a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Top marks (doubled) are given for product energy efficiency as all its mobile phone chargers exceed the Energy Star requirements by 30-90%.
