257 results found

Hiroshima clock

Image | January 17, 2006 at 0:00

Hiroshima clock, stopped at the time of the atomic bomb's explosion.

Prime Minister Helen Clark speaks before the nuclear free Tasman flotilla heads out...

Image | August 9, 2004 at 1:00

Prime Minister Helen Clark speaks before the nuclear free Tasman flotilla heads out to sea where they will meet up with other Greenpeace boats to protest over Plutonium being shipped through the Pacific Ocean.

Henk Haazen leading the nuclear free Tasman flotilla out to sea

Image | August 9, 2004 at 1:00

Henk Haazen at the helm of Tiama, leading the nuclear free Tasman flotilla out to sea where they will meet up with other Greenpeace boats to protest over plutonium being shipped through the Pacific Ocean.

Helen Clark takes a look at the Greenpeace flotilla before they head out to sea

Image | August 9, 2004 at 1:00

Prime Minister Helen Clark takes a look at the Greenpeace flotilla before they head out to sea where they will meet up with other Greenpeace boats to protest over Plutonium being shipped through the Pacific Ocean.

A day at Matauri Bay

Video | July 7, 2010 at 9:00

Greenpeace volunteers, friends and staff spend a day doing track maintenance at the Rainbow Warrior memorial in Matauri Bay, Northland, New Zealand and talk of the significance of the place and the Rainbow Warrior and the bombing.

Climbers occupy Cairn Energy oil rig in the Arctic

Image | September 1, 2010 at 7:22

Cairn Energy's Stena Don oil rig is scaled by Greenpeace activists to demand an end to offshore drilling. The four climbers used RHIBS to dodge Danish Navy Commandos before climbing up the inside of the rig and hanging from it in tents...

Now More Than Ever: A Message from Kumi Naidoo

Video | October 22, 2010 at 8:48

Greenpeace International Executive Director Kumi Naidoo addresses the need for urgent environmental action.

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