10 results found

Greenpeace launches campaign to ban single use plastic bags in NZ

Press release | July 31, 2017 at 14:35

Greenpeace is throwing its weight behind the campaign to ban plastic bags from New Zealand supermarkets.

Countdown’s Bold Bag Ban praised by Greenpeace

Press release | October 4, 2017 at 11:24

Greenpeace is offering high praise to one of New Zealand’s supermarket giants today.

NZ Government must move fast to ban killer microbeads

Press release | July 21, 2016 at 13:41

Environment Minister Nick Smith is set to hold a meeting to discuss options for banning noxious microbeads from personal care products in New Zealand.

Greens Ban the Bag policy needs to happen sooner

Press release | August 27, 2017 at 12:35

Greenpeace is welcoming the Green Party’s commitment to ban single-use plastic bags.

Coca Cola – Not always the real thing

Press release | November 18, 2017 at 9:30

As Coca Cola launch their new ‘Holidays are coming’ Christmas TV advertisement, some of the brand’s fans have been viewing a version that’s a little more realistic. In an attempt to take advantage of Coke’s huge PR push at this time of year,...

The Ocean Plastic Crisis

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | October 15, 2017

"Plastics!" This became one of the most famous film lines from the 1960s era. In the film The Graduate, young university graduate, Ben (Dustin Hoffman) appears annoyed and distracted when his wealthy American parents stage an elaborate...

The story of a spoon

Blog entry by Arin de Hoog | October 16, 2015

"You buy furniture. You tell yourself, this is the last sofa I will ever need in my life... Then the right set of dishes. Then the perfect bed. The drapes. The rug. Then you're trapped in your lovely nest, and the things you used to...

New Year's plastic resolution: 5 simple ways to help the ocean.

Blog entry by Willie Mackenzie | January 11, 2016

We are turning our oceans into plastic soup. It’s been estimated recently that about EIGHT MILLION TONNES of plastic ends up in the ocean each year. Plastic can be amazing. But when it’s reduced to disposable, throwaway...

Every single piece of plastic ever made still exists. Here’s the story.

Blog entry by Diego Gonzaga | January 9, 2017

From the moment we wake up in the morning and brush our teeth, to when we watch TV at the end of the day, plastic is all around us. So much so that it can be hard to imagine leaving the supermarket without at least one item that isn’t...

How does plastic end up in the ocean?

Blog entry by Louisa Casson | August 23, 2017

We know our oceans and coastlines are choking on plastic. We’ve all seen plastic bottles, food wrappers and plastic bags polluting beaches, and been horrified by the stories of marine creatures like seabirds and whales starving when...

1 - 10 of 10 results.