Last week we showed you evidence of VW actively lobbying in the US against the laws we need to protect our planet.

Here are some more facts about Volkswagen that the company doesn't put on its billboards.

1. Only 6 per cent of Volkswagen's sales in 2010 were of its most efficient models

VW is not the green company it wants you to think it is

Shocking, but true. So next time you see one of their car ads, where they boast about their environmental credentials (you can’t miss them, the company spends more on advertising in the UK than any other car manufacturer), remember that despite their aim "to be the most eco-friendly car manufacturer in the world", they do not use their most efficient technology in most of their vehicles.

Read more in our report: The Dark Side of Volkswagen.

2. Volkswagen spends millions of pounds each year on groups lobbying against environmental laws

The most influential of these groups – ACEA (the car manufacturers’ association) in which VW is a powerful player – is leading the charge against fuel efficiency standards in Europe. These are the laws we need to reduce our oil use. By using less oil, it will cost less to fill our tanks and we won’t be sending reckless drillers to places like the Arctic, where they risk catastrophic spills.

Read more in our report: The Dark Side of Volkswagen.

3. Volkswagen is also campaigning against a new European target to reduce CO2 emissions by 30 per cent by 2020

Although over 100 leading businesses including Google and Unilever support a 30 per cent target which could boost the European economy, drive investment in new technology and help combat climate change, Volkswagen are openly against the target. They have said it would "lead to the deindustrialisation of Europe". But the European Commission’s studies show that 30 per cent by 2020 is not only possible and affordable, it is necessary to create new green jobs and guarantee Europe’s energy security.

Read more in our report: The Dark Side of Volkswagen.

4. As the biggest car company in Europe, Volkswagen has the biggest climate footprint of any car manufacturer in Europe.

One in five cars sold in Europe is a VW. In 2009, new cars sold by the company in Europe emitted over five million tonnes of CO2 per year, representing around a quarter of the total oil use and emissions of new European cars. Volkswagen's size means that any changes it makes would have a huge impact on vehicle emissions. Last year, VW only did the minimum necessary to comply with efficiency laws - reducing their emissions by 5 per cent - and are currently lagging behind companies like Toyota and BMW in the efficiency stakes.

Read more in our report: The Dark Side of Volkswagen.

5. Volkswagen penalises consumers wanting smarter, cleaner vehicles by artificially inflating their price and making them marginal to its fleet.

Although VW has developed its Blue Motion technology which can be built into their cars, making them cleaner and more efficient, it is only available as an expensive add-on. Volkswagen charges consumers up to an additional £1000 to add Blue Motion to a new car, even though the technology only costs around £260 to make. Making Blue Motion standard across its fleet would save consumers money on petrol and reduce demand for oil.

Read more in our report: The Dark Side of Volkswagen.