The great pumpkin caper (C) GRENPEACE / Sharomov
The great pumpkin caper (C) GRENPEACE / Sharomov
Gisborne really is everything they say it is – hot, sunny and very friendly! Friendly incident 1: After a gallant entry into the Harbour, we were welcomed by members of a local iwi with a powhiri. We then retired to the mess for biscuits, a cup of tea and a chat. (The poor chef, Babu, had been a bit confused when the campaign director asked him if we had any "bikkies" on board. Being not familiar with this term, he was sure she had said something pertaining to the assistant chef. Confusion ensued, but all's well that ends well and we had a very nice morning tea.)

Friendly incident one (C) GRENPEACE / Sharomov
Friendly incident one (C) GRENPEACE / Sharomov
Friendly incident 2: dock-worker offers us apples. Friendly incident 3: dock-worker kindly gifts us no less than a year's supply of pumpkins!! To be honest, it's a little like a horror movie in here. They number about 30 and seem to be multiplying. Everyone is bracing themselves for pumpkin pie, pumpkin soup, pumpkin salad, pumpkin anything we can really.

Local media interest has been good – with a preview piece in the Gisborne Herald, an interview with Classic Hits, and both organisations intending to come tomorrow to the open day.

And our fundraisers who were out on the streets in Gisborne today said "everyone" knew we were in town and were very excited about coming down to the boat. (prone to exaggeration, our bread-winners, but you get the idea).

Birthday boy falls victim to pumpkin invasion (C) GREENPEACE / SharomovMeanwhile , back at base camp, it's Gary (Assistant Campaigner's) birthday and we celebrate with the last banana cake I think we'll have before they all become pumpkin.