Stop climate change

Greenpeace is campaigning for climate solutions that will help us prosper without damaging the planet. By starting an energy revolution, protecting our forests and switching to smart farming we can protect our natural world for future generations.

Climate change is real. We're seeing the effects all around us - polar ice melting, sea level rising and extreme weather events. If we want to reduce the impact of climate change and have reliable energy sources, we must make changes, at a government and individual level.

Solutions to climate change and energy crises already exist - clean energy, energy efficiency and new environmentally sound technologies.

Greenpeace New Zealand's work to stop climate change and provide New Zealand with reliable energy includes:

With your help we can do more

The latest updates


The energy [r]evolution starts here

Feature story | January 25, 2007 at 0:00

Tackling dangerous climate change is the biggest challenge facing us all. Fortunately there is an answer to this challenge. Our report: 'energy [r]evolution', details how to halve global CO2 emissions by 2050, using existing technology and still...

Doomsday clock inches forward with climate change

Feature story | January 17, 2007 at 22:37

Weather of Mass Destruction has officially joined Weapons of Mass Destruction in threatening to wreak irrevocable damage on the earth.

Marsden B update - DOC Hearing set for 30-31 January

Feature story | January 10, 2007 at 0:00

The Department of Conservation (DOC) has set its hearing date to hear submissions on Mighty River's plans to put a dirty-great coal conveyor belt across conservation land.

Climate rescue radio atop Marsden B

Feature story | November 4, 2006 at 0:00

UPDATE: Due to relentless campaigning by lots of different people, Mighty River Power's Marsden B coal fired power station proposal was abandoned in March 2007.

Winning on climate change - tipping the scales

Feature story | September 14, 2005 at 0:00

Burning fossil fuels like petrol, coal and gas produces greenhouse gases which, cause global warming which, in turn, leads to climate change. This is the concensus of the global scientific community.

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