Stop climate change

Greenpeace is campaigning for climate solutions that will help us prosper without damaging the planet. By starting an energy revolution, protecting our forests and switching to smart farming we can protect our natural world for future generations.

Climate change is real. We're seeing the effects all around us - polar ice melting, sea level rising and extreme weather events. If we want to reduce the impact of climate change and have reliable energy sources, we must make changes, at a government and individual level.

Solutions to climate change and energy crises already exist - clean energy, energy efficiency and new environmentally sound technologies.

Greenpeace New Zealand's work to stop climate change and provide New Zealand with reliable energy includes:

With your help we can do more

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Helen Clark takes a look at the Greenpeace flotilla before they head out to sea

Image | August 9, 2004 at 1:00

Prime Minister Helen Clark takes a look at the Greenpeace flotilla before they head out to sea where they will meet up with other Greenpeace boats to protest over Plutonium being shipped through the Pacific Ocean.

A Greenpeace activist hangs on the side of a shipment of coal

Image | August 21, 2003 at 1:00

A Greenpeace activist hangs on the side of the 'Almar' which was bringing a shipment of coal into the Port of Tauranga.

Greenpeace activist Adam Shore hangs from the side of the ship Atermon

Image | August 21, 2003 at 1:00

Greenpeace activist Adam Shore hangs from the side of the ship Atermon, in a protest to stop the unloading of coal from Indonesia to be burnt at the Huntly power station.

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