Stop climate change

Greenpeace is campaigning for climate solutions that will help us prosper without damaging the planet. By starting an energy revolution, protecting our forests and switching to smart farming we can protect our natural world for future generations.

Climate change is real. We're seeing the effects all around us - polar ice melting, sea level rising and extreme weather events. If we want to reduce the impact of climate change and have reliable energy sources, we must make changes, at a government and individual level.

Solutions to climate change and energy crises already exist - clean energy, energy efficiency and new environmentally sound technologies.

Greenpeace New Zealand's work to stop climate change and provide New Zealand with reliable energy includes:

With your help we can do more

The latest updates


Government must act now to stop palm kernel imports

Press release | December 13, 2010 at 7:27

Following the publication of the Sunday Star Times story "Russian roulette with palm kernel imports," (1) Greenpeace is calling on the Government to put an immediate stop to Fonterra’s use of imported palm kernel feed.

Fonterra urged to stop blowing its horn and instead just listen at World Dairy Summit

Press release | November 7, 2010 at 19:08

Greenpeace is urging Fonterra not to ignore the important discussions about the links between sustainability, climate change, and dairying that will be taking place at this week’s World Dairy Summit.

Public's questions on PKE force Fonterra to abandon social marketing

Press release | October 29, 2010 at 15:50

Fonterra has apparently 'pulled the plug' on its Facebook page, rather than answer the questions being submitted to it by members of the public on the company's use of palm kernel expeller (PKE).

Fonterra statement backs up Greenpeace’s accusations on rainforests

Press release | September 23, 2010 at 17:56

Greenpeace is condemning dairy giant Fonterra’s weak ‘claim’ that “it believes” its palm kernel animal feed comes from sustainable sources.

Greenpeace witnesses Fonterra’s continued implication in rainforest destruction

Press release | September 21, 2010 at 10:36

Auckland, 21 September 2010 – Following new evidence, Greenpeace demands that Fonterra and the Government put an end to New Zealand’s importation of palm kernel grown on areas of destroyed rainforest.

41 - 45 of 107 results.

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