Turn the Tide

Video | December 15, 2016

In 2015, global media exposed widespread human rights abuses, with links to US pet food brands and supermarkets, in Thailand’s overseas fishing industry. When authorities tried to tackle the problem the fishing companies simply shifted operations , to distant regions, where it’s much harder for authorities to monitor and control, such as the fragile marine ecosystems of the Saya de Malha Bank in the Indian ocean. In 2016, Greenpeace Southeast Asia continued to investigate Thailand’s overseas fishing industry and seafood supply chains. Greenpeace Southeast Asia’s latest report, Turn the Tide outlines its investigations into IUU fishing, trafficking and other rights abuses– including multiple deaths at sea from beriberi, a disease caused by vitamin B1 deficiency, aboard Thai distant water fishing vessels operating in the Indian Ocean. Time for real change in the Thai fishing industry #TurnTheTide #SaveOurSeas www.greenpeace.org/turnthetide

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