Stop the Plunder of Africa's Oceans

Add Your Voice to Our Call for Fairer Fishing

The Senegalese people recently elected their fourth president, so this is the perfect opportunity to ask the new leader to implement policies for sustainable management of the West African fisheries.

Millions of Senegalese people depend on these fish stocks every day for jobs and food, but this resource is threatened by foreign vessels whose capacity and fishing technologies are constantly increasing.

Tell the new Senegalese leader to make the management of our fisheries a priority. Your voice matters, let's hear it now!


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Stop the Plunder of Africa's Oceans


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West African nations have some of the richest fishing grounds in the world; yet their food security is under threat. European and Asian fishing fleets have moved into West African waters over the past 30 years after depleting their own fish stocks.

Add your voice to our call for the fair and responsible fishing of Africa's marine resources.