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Puntos clave del G8 relativos al cambio climático

Documento - junio 5, 2007
Del 6 al 8 de junio de 2007 los jefes de estado quedan en Alemania para la cumbre del G8. Greenpeace exige que los siete países del G8 que han ratificado el Protocolo de Kioto dejen atrás a Bush y lideren el proceso de reducción de emisiones de de CO2 mundiales con nuevos objetivos más ambiciosos

In the spirit of peaceful, non-violent communication to the G8, Greenpeace and volunteers from environment and social justice groups, have today formed a human banner, with the message, "G8: ACT NOW!" Underneath the human banner, a second banner reads "Stop Global Warming." The creation of this banner forms a message to the G8 countries to take urgent action to halt dangerous climate change.

On the world-famous Kuta Beach of Bali a Greenpeace activists from Bali carry a banner at a Greenpeace World Environment Day protest organized for G8 and Coal Trans 2007, the largest coal industry gathering in Asia starting today. The banner showing a carbon dioxide spewing dragon representing the coal industry, one major source of emissions that destroy the climate. Greenpeace and the Balinese groups and demand that organizers of the meeting stop peddling coal amidst worsening climate impacts predicted to hit the poorest and most vulnerable countries in Asia.

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