New fuel efficiency standards set for Europe’s vans

Press release - December 15, 2010
Brussels, International — Efficiency standards for light commercial vehicles (vans) sold in Europe were agreed tonight. Meeting in Strasbourg, representatives from the European Parliament, Council of Ministers and the European Commission set emissions reduction requirements of 175 grammes of CO2 per kilometre by 2017, and 147g CO2/km by 2020.

Greenpeace EU transport policy advisor Franziska Achterberg said: "These unambitious targets are a missed opportunity to propel the European car sector into a market leader for fuel efficiency. With people driving more and further, the standards set by the EU today will do nothing to curb overall emissions growth."

The agreement still needs to be formally adopted by all three institutions.

Average emissions from new vans sold in Europe were 203g CO2/km in 2007.
