5 results found

No market for GM labelled food in Europe

Publication | January 1, 2005 at 0:00

A Report on the use of GMOs and genetically modified food ingredients in the European Food Industry. Based on GM policy statements of top ranked retailers and food and drink producers in Europe.

Un million d´Européens réclament un étiquetage annonçant l´utilisation d´OGM dans les...

Press release | February 5, 2007 at 0:00

Brussels, Belgium — Greenpeace rencontrera aujourd´hui le Commissaire européen à la Santé, Markos Kyprianou, et lui remettra une pétition réclamant un étiquetage obligatoire pour les produits (lait, oeufs, viande) d'animaux nourris aux organismes...

1 million Europeans call for GMO labelling on milk, meat and eggs

Press release | February 5, 2007 at 0:00

Brussels, Belgium — Greenpeace will today deliver to Markos Kyprianou, European Commissioner for Health, a petition containing 1,000,000 citizens’ signatures calling for the labelling of milk, meat, eggs and other animal products where the...

Ad hoc working group and Environment Council

Publication | November 11, 2008 at 0:00

On 4 December 2008, EU environment ministers have to agree on measures to reform the EU’s authorisation system for genetically modified organisms (GMOs). The last preparatory meeting before the Council, where national experts have to finalise...

1 - 5 of 5 results.