All You Wanted to Know About Organic Farming

What is organic farming?

Feature story - August 25, 2004
BANGALORE, India — Organic farming is an agricultural method that avoids chemical fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals. It makes use of crop rotation and other traditional methods to keep the soil fertile and the crops free of pests. It also does not use genetically modified organisms.

What is wrong with normal farming?

Normal chemical farming has much that is wrong with it. In any case until about five or six decades ago organic farming was normal farming. Until the Green revolution, that is. Modern chemical dependent farming has huge ecological costs, is bad for the health of the farmer and his/her family and affects the health of the people who eat the food. And most importantly the stuff does not work! Every year the pests grow resistant to the pesticides and the soil fertility falls.

But how can we farm without chemicals?

You can take advantage of what nature offers and improve it without creating damage. Recycling of organic wastes like straw and grass and animal excreta makes great fertilizer. Growing the crops that are native to the region usually ensures that the plants already have high resistance to the local pests. Pests are reduced through multiple-cropping and using bio-pesticides. Building up populations of beneficial insects (insects who feed on bad bugs) is a tried-and-true method of pest control. Prevention is the organic farmer's primary strategy.

What are bio-pesticides?

Bio-pesticides are pesticides derived from natural materials as animals, plants, bacteria, and minerals. In India, a range of neem products such as the extracts of neem kernel, the seed and leaf have created a great deal of interest for being cheap and effective.

What do I get from organic farming?

First off food is nutritional and safe. Research shows that organic products have more minerals, less water and less artificial chemicals. So the taste is generally more natural. Organic vegetables usually contain higher level of Vitamin C, protein and other minerals.

I don’t eat too many vegetables or fruits. What do I care?

If you have meat and diary products in your diet you stand to gain from organic farming anyway. Through organic farming one ensures that cattle are fed safe food as well. So the chemicals do not reach you through mutton or chicken curry.

Isn’t it pretentious to go organic?

Organic farming provides a safer workplace for farming communities and a cleaner, healthier environment for everyone. The easiest way to squash people who are trying to make organic food fashionable and unaffordable is to make it the regular janta thing to do. Even farmers in many places in India who do chemical farming to satisfy fancy market demands also farm an organic patch for themselves and their families. Go organic because it makes sense for you.

Are there organic farmers in India?

There are a thousand odd registered farmers in India but there are many more who are organic by default or ideology.

Is organic food more expensive?

The packaged, labelled variety is obviously so. In the developed world this is almost universal because natural fertilizers and labour costs are high. But in India there are still plenty of places where you can get cheap organic food and cheap food that uses no pesticides. In many, many places food is organic by default because the farmer is growing an indigenous variety of crop that requires no chemical pesticides or fertilizers.

Is there a difference between "natural" and "organic" foods?

Yes. The term "natural" is very broad, and can include organic foods, but not all natural foods are organic. Natural foods are generally minimally processed and free of artificial ingredients, but not necessarily organically grown.

What does "certified organic" mean?

Organic certification is a process by which consumers in the First World ensure that the food they are buying is truly organic, grown and processed using earth-friendly methods. Independent, third-party certifiers ensure that growers and processors meet the government requirements. In India very few farmers can afford this obsessive process.

Is organic food popular?

The organic industry has recently seen phenomenal growth. The sales of all organic foods have grown by 20-25 percent each year in the last decade, and reached $7 billion in 2000. Organic sales will grow to $20 billion in 2005

Is all organic produce "pesticide-free?"

Organic crops can sometimes be exposed to the traces of agricultural chemicals that are now detected in nearly all rain and ground water in India, due to their overuse during the past 50 years. Pesticide residues are rarely detected on organic produce, and are certainly well below levels on conventionally produced food.

Do organically grown vegetables and fruits need to be washed?

It is a good idea to wash all fruits and vegetables before eating to help ensure food safety.

Does organic food taste better?

Thousands of gourmet chefs across the world seem to think so. Why don't you give it a shot?

What is NPM farming and IPM Farming?

IPM farming recommends that pesticides can be used as a last resort. NPM farming is against chemical pesticides completely.

What is the stand of the Government of India on all this stuff?

IPM is the official strategy of the Government of India, articulated also in the Rio Agenda (Agenda 21 policy statements)NPM programmes have so far not received any governmental attention despite good successes. NGOs have usually been pioneering the NPM approach. On the organic front there are only some formal government-led initiatives for crops like tea and spices.


"Preparation of neem bio-pesticides at farm-level," vol4/Neem%20biopesticides.pdf

Alam, Ghayur, "A study of Biofertilizers and biopesticides in India," http://