Analysis of the turtle season 2009-2010

Publication - June 22, 2010
The turtle-fisheries conflict in Orissa typifies the conservation versus livelihood conflict and resulting impasses that exist in marine conservation initiatives in India. Greenpeace’s campaigning efforts in Orissa are focussed on enabling the Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary to become a model for better biodiversity conservation and a tool for fisheries management; one that successfully addresses potential conflicts between conservation and livelihoods. A successful model in Orissa can serve as a guiding reference for marine conservation in the rest of India.

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Executive summary: With specific reference to Orissa, there is an inherent relationship between poor fisheries management and the high annual turtle death toll - both the result of excessive and illegal mechanised fishing in near shore waters. The solution to these problems lies in effective enforcement of fishery regulations, implementation of income generation schemes or alternative livelihood programmes for impacted traditional fishers and effective enforcement of the Gahirmatha Marine Sanctuary. This analysis by Greenpeace is based on “turtle mortality count and monitoring of illegal, in particular mechanised fishing in the near-shore waters” with particular emphasis on the Devi region. The “turtle mortality count” supported by Greenpeace India provides a reference to evaluate the state government’s enforcement of the Orissa Marine Fisheries Regulation Act and CEC directives in the Devi region.
