What do an accountant in London, a school teacher in Cape Town, and a bartender in Joburg have in common in the world of the web?

That’s not the start of a joke, it’s an honest question.

The answer is, they can all become online activists.

And it’s really, really easy to do.

Gone are the days of having to chain yourself to an ancient tree or face arrest for a cause to be called an ‘activist’. Online, you can still stand for all the same ideals the hippies do, with no risk and only reward for your efforts.

It works like this:

Greenpeace Africa uses the great online platform from Givengain to handle all our web donations.

Why through the GivenGain website ?

  • All the major payment methods are available and anyone in the world can donate.
  • And, because Givengain has a nifty option for fantastic people like you to set up your own fundraising profiles in support of our cause.

This means, instead of us asking only you for support, we’ll ask you, you can ask your friends to help, they’ll be so inspired that they’ll ask their friends, and maybe even their siblings and their friends. Those friends will jump for joy at your love of the planet and tell their mom and dad and... Do you see where I’m going with this?

It’s cost- and risk-free to become an online activist for us. It looks like there are a lot of steps, but it’s pretty simple, I promise.

Here’s how you do it:

  1. Go here to start: https://www.givengain.com/cgi-bin/giga.cgi?cmd=login&fundraise=11362
  2. Click the blue ‘Sign up or log in with Facebook’ button. (It looks like this.)
  3. Set the goal for how much money you’d like to raise, and time period you’d like your fundraising project to last. Click ‘Continue’. (This is what your screen should look like now.)
  4. Give your project a name and a description. If you can’t think of anything, feel free to copy this text.
  5. We love thank you messages. If you’d like to send one to people who support your project, tick the thank you box and write them a note. Again, if you don’t know what to say, here’s an idea.
  6. Click ‘Create Project’.
  7. Click Go To Project – this project page you go to is the one you can share with family/friends/the entire world to get people donating to your project. (It looks something like this.)
  8. Go wild with your online activism.

When you’ve set up your activist profile, put links to it in the comments section here or tweet it to us so that we can show all of our followers how awesome you are being!