When the Water Ends: Photographer Interview

Video | December 2, 2010

As world leaders meet in Cancun, Mexico to negotiate a global agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Greenpeace Africa presents this exhibition visualising the impacts climate change already has in Africa. ‘When the Water Ends’ highlights the impacts of increasing droughts on nomadic tribes along the border of Kenya and Ethiopia. They constantly adapt to a perpetually challenging environment, but climate change exacerbates inter-tribal tensions as fighting over water and pasture increases, creating “some of the world's first climate change conflicts”.

This is an interview, shot a short while ago, with Evan Abramson, the photographer behind When the Water Ends.

Video Credits:
Interview produced by Noorderlicht at the 2010 photo festival edition Land, Country Life in the Urban Age
camera and editing: Jos Schoenmaker - www.generalgrafx.nl
interview: Emiel venema - www.emielvenema.nl

As world leaders meet in Cancun, Mexico to negotiate a global agreement on the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, Greenpeace Africa presents an exhibition visualising the impacts climate change already has in Africa. ‘When the Water Ends’ highlights the impacts of increasing droughts on nomadic tribes along the border of Kenya and Ethiopia. They constantly adapt to a perpetually challenging environment, but climate change exacerbates inter-tribal tensions as fighting over water and pasture increases, creating “some of the world's first climate change conflicts”.


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