Greenpeace Activists Block Waste Pipe

Greenpeace activists blocked a pipe that is used by Sanita (Unipack) to discharge the effluents produced in their factories into the Lebanese maritime waters. This discharge consists of improperly treated chemical waste produced in the factory in addition to fuel residues from its private power plant.

The blocking device read: “Blocked by Greenpeace” while another activist also unfurled a banner reading “So the disaster stays with us”, a pun on Sanita’s motto “So the beauty stays with us”. Greenpeace is calling Sanita to improve its environmental policies to ensure it abides to all environmental regulations and to lead the Lebanese industry into a truly green and sustainable reality as it already claims.

Greenpeace activists block a pipe that is used by Sanita (Unipack) to discharge the effluents produced in their factories into the Lebanese maritime waters. This discharge consists of improperly treated chemical waste produced in the factory in addition to fuel residues from its private power plant.


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