Demanding Apple Clean Their Cloud

Greenpeace activists visited the Sandton iStore today to urge Apple to start putting pressure on utilities like ESKOM for access to renewable energy, instead of powering their cloud with coal. The South Africans joined activists from 8 other countries and 14 stores in the United States in their call for Apple to act.

The Greenpeace activists gave customers advice on how to ask Apple for a cleaner cloud. Customers walking into the store then used Apple’s own display iPads, iPhones and Macs to create virtual campaigning hubs, where they broadcast the campaign by tweeting and posting photos of the event on Facebook.

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Greenpeace activists protest at the Sandton iStore to urge Apple to start putting pressure on utilities like Eskom for access to renewable energy, instead of powering their cloud with coal. Part of Greenpeace's international Clean Our Cloud campaign is calling on industry laggards Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon to join the growing number of tech companies who are taking steps to power their electronic data centers substantially with renewable energy.


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