Volunteer Day to Save The Cameroon Rainforest

A US company is planning to tear down a chunk of rainforest the size of 100,000 soccer fields for a palm oil project.

The area of forest is home to thousands of Cameroonian people who rely on it for subsistence farming; people who stand to lose thier land if the project goes ahead. Their peaceful attempts to stop the project have been met with threats, arrests, violence, and beatings.

The forest is also home to endangered wildlife like African forest elephants and the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee subspecies.

Our volunteers went to Brightwater Commons in Joburg to take up the fight.

Send an email to Herakles Farms, demanding that the company drops its palm oil plans in Cameroon, committing to a ‘zero-deforestation’ policy.

A US company is planning to tear down a chunk of rainforest the size of 100,000 soccer fields for a palm oil project. The area of forest is home to thousands of Cameroonian people who rely on it for subsistence farming; people who stand to lose thier land if the project goes ahead. Their peaceful attempts to stop the project have been met with threats, arrests, violence, and beatings. The forest is also home to endangered wildlife like African forest elephants and the Nigeria-Cameroon chimpanzee subspecies. Our volunteers went to Brightwater Commons in Joburg to take up the fight.


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