506 results found

Earth Hour in Manila

Image gallery | March 27, 2011

Activists Block Waste Pipe

Image gallery | March 25, 2011

Neste Oil sailor becomes a Warrior of the Rainbow

Video | March 23, 2011 at 16:26

Martti worked for oil refinery company Neste Oil, recently voted the most irresponsible company of the year, until he decided to jump ship and join Greenpeace. He is now sailing on board the Rainbow Warrior.

Nuclear Energy isn't Needed

Feature story | March 23, 2011 at 9:11

Greenpeace Executive Director Kumi Naidoo wrote the following opinion piece for the New York Times/International Herald Tribune.

Update: Fire Burns at Reactor 3 and Food Contamination Concerns Rise

Blog entry by Jess Miller | March 22, 2011

The Fukushima/Daiichi nuclear crisis continues, marked by confusion and a lack of information and transparency. Today, our team of nuclear experts and monitors followed reports of grey smoke coming out of the spent fuel pool of...

Video Q 'n A: The Fukushima Nulclear Crisis

Blog entry by Andrew Davies | March 19, 2011

In the midst of all that's going on in Japan, we managed to sit one of our (extremely busy) nuclear issue experts down and ask him a few of the top questions people have been asking.  If you don't find the answer you're looking for...

Fukushima update: Not yet in the clear

Blog entry by Andrew Davies | March 18, 2011

Overall, with possible exception of spent fuel pool of reactor #3, the status of all facilities is very similar to yesterday, which is a bad thing. Major uncertainty relates to amount of radiation already being released to air and...

Suspended Jail Sentences for Peaceful Climate Protesters

Blog entry by EoinD | March 18, 2011

A Belgian court today gave ten Greenpeace activists a suspended one month jail sentence and fine for taking part in a climate action there in December 2009. This conviction is out of proportion to their peaceful protest, and an...

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