190 results found

The oceans are in a crisis. Greenpeace has a plan to save them.

Feature story | October 4, 2010 at 16:47

Our oceans are an absolute marvel - but they are also in a deep, deep crisis. If we don’t act fast, our oceans will continue to deteriorate and vital food sources and essential functions provided to our planet and its people by the oceans could...

Standing with the Tokyo Two

Feature story | September 6, 2010 at 9:54

The Tokyo Two exposed widespread corruption in Japan’s whaling programme. In return, they have been handed a one year suspended prison sentence. Activists in South Africa are outside the Japanese Embassy in Pretoria holding banners reading...

Whale heroes face jail

Feature story | July 16, 2010 at 12:11

Two years ago, Junichi Sato and Toru Suzuki, two Japanese Greenpeace activists conducted a public interest investigation into corruption in the Japanese whaling industry. The two activists (now known as the 'Tokyo Two') exposed the corruption and...

Climate Refugee "Animals" Highlight Climate Change in Africa

Feature story | December 3, 2010 at 8:13

Today Greenpeace activists, dressed as polar bears and big five animals , gathered at Johannesburg's Gandhi square to highlight climate change. They held banners reading “My house in the Arctic melted” and “Water hole dried-up, need new home”.

Whose Responsibility Is It?

Blog entry by Ahmed DIAME | May 6, 2015

When will we see a renewal of West African fisheries laws? A few weeks ago, television channels worldwide showed, in a loop, what is now called the "tragedy of the Mediterranean". The lifeless bodies, of at least 800 young...

"Fishing from the sky", empty nets, dead fish and the plight of West African fisher folks

Blog entry by Mbong Akiy Fokwa Tsafack | April 7, 2017

Travelling in Africa is bittersweet.  I always appreciate the warmth of fellow Africans, the humanity that characterises daily life and the untold stories of Ubuntu. But there is a dark side. If poverty and quality of life are measured...

For the future of fisheries in West-Africa

Blog entry by Prudence Wanko | May 7, 2015

By Prudence Wanko In order to see fisheries reborn, West African States must take up their responsibility to eradicate all forms of illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing, including a practice which is slowly killing a...

His Excellency Mr. Ambassador, should we act or react?

Blog entry by Prudence Wanko | May 21, 2015

After the publication of the new report entitled " Scam on the African Coast:   The Hidden Face of Chinese and Joint-Venture Vessels’ Tonnage Fraud  in Senegal, Guinea Bissau and Guinea " by Greenpeace Africa, the Chinese Ambassador...

Honourable Minister, it is not too late to fix the situation!

Blog entry by Prudence Wanko | April 11, 2016

Your predecessors have legitimized a form of illegal unreported and unregulated fishing (IUU), by allowing fishing companies to underreport the gross tonnage of their industrial vessels for more than thirty years in Senegal. They...

Greenpeace leaves the CECAF meeting with mixed feelings

Blog entry by Marie Suzanne Traoré | May 31, 2016

After four years without any annual meetings, the CECAF (Fishery Committee for the Eastern Central Atlantic) got together. Millions of people depend on fish resources in the region and the common wealth that lies in our ocean...

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