End the Age of Coal

Join the Day of Action in Joburg!

We know burning coal is the biggest contributor to climate change.

We also know the solution: A green energy revolution that unplugs us from new coal plants and connects us to renewable energy sources like the sun and wind.

On the 29th of June people across the planet will join a movement to End the Age of Coal and call for a green energy revolution. We'll be heading to central Joburg on that day – and we want you with us! We’re talking a massive interactive community photo to show our commitment to a renewable energy future.

Date: Saturday, 29 June
Time: 09h00 – 13h00 (at the latest!)
How: Meet us at the Greenpeace offices and we’ll get you to Ghandi Square and back
Office address: 10 Clamart Road, Richmond
Event location: Ghandi Square [Map here]
Bring: A hat, something to drink, and some friends
RSVP: Fill out the form below!


Poznámka: Povinné položky jsou označeny hvězdičkou (*).

Opravte prosím označená pole níže.

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Because ending the age of coal will take a lot of support!

End the Age of coal