Tell Adidas to Detox

The Detox campaign has inspired Puma and now Nike to take the lead in detoxing their products and their supply chains. Adidas meanwhile is still on the starting blocks.

Product testing results reveal chemicals on certain clothing from top international brands, which like a smoking gun, places them at the scene of the toxic river pollution scandal we are campaigning to stop.

Send Adidas an email calling on them to act responsibly. If you have some of their gear or somebody in your family wears Adidas, please personalize your message with a product description or barcode number (see an example). Only 78 products were tested for the Greenpeace report, but any garment they've sold could be tainted.


Thank you for coming to write to Adidas!

The action is now closed because of this great news: 
Detox campaign hat trick: Adidas joins Nike and Puma

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