As consumers, we take decisions every day. And those decisions can very often make a huge difference to our environment. On this page, we will give you some quick guidelines on how your everyday decisions can make a greener difference.

Green Tips

We want to be as green as possible, but sometimes we don't even know where to start, because of the sheer magnitude of the problems facing the Earth.

Here, you'll find simple changes you can make in your own home to live a greener life - some so easy, you'll wonder why everyone doesn't do them!

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Over 600 Greenpeace volunteers protesting with a human banner for more protection of the forests. Near the beech tree forest of Grumsin (Brandenburg) they have formed a giant tree with a red heart in the middle. The banner reads (in German): "Protect the old beech trees!"Mit einem aus der Luft erkennbaren Menschenbanner protestieren 600 Greenpeace-Aktivisten fuer mehr Waldschutz. Auf einer Wiese nahe dem brandenburgischen Buchenwaldgebiet Grumsin, einem UNESCO Weltnaturerbe, formen sie einen Baum. Dieser symbolisiert die Waldflaeche Deutschlands. Ein rotes Herz in der Mitte der Baumkrone steht f¸r zehn Prozent der oeffentlichen Waldflaeche, die laut Bundesregierung bis zum Jahr 2020 geschuetzt werden sollen.Auf dem Banner steht:"Schuetzt die alten Buchenwaelder!" The Good Wood Guide

Buying wood does not need to be an additional stress when shopping. Just follow this guide for help making the right decision when furnishing your home or office.

And why not question your retailer about the timber they stock - if more and more customers show an interest in sustainable products, retailers will change what they stock.

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Fish4Ever, Pams pole and line tuna and Pams FAD-free (fish aggregating device) tuna are three more sustainably caught canned tuna products available in New Zealand. Their introduction followed the launch of a Greenpeace campaign urging canned tuna brands and retailers in New Zealand to switch to sustainably caught tuna. The Good Oceans Guide

Our oceans are under threat! More than 70% of the world’s fisheries are “fully exploited”, “over exploited” or “significantly depleted”.

This guide will help you make sure you're not adding to that pressure on our marine resources.

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