Green paper kicks-off boxing match on Europe’s energy future

But Commission’s low ambition means governments must toughen up 2030 climate and energy targets

Press release - March 27, 2013
Brussels – Greenpeace welcomes the Commission’s decision to start defining Europe’s energy choices and climate action past 2020. However, given the Commission’s low objectives [1] regarding concrete numbers, Greenpeace urges EU governments to step into the ring to set ambitious climate and energy targets for 2030. Such targets will be crucial to steer the EU towards a clean and more stable economy based on renewables and less dependent on polluting and dangerous energy technologies, while keeping climate change to safe levels.

 Commenting on the release of the Commission’s green paper, A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies [2], Greenpeace EU energy policy adviser Frederic Thoma said: “The Commission has sounded the start of round one but EU governments will decide if Europe goes into the ring ready for victory or with one arm tied behind its back. As it stands, the Commission’s lack of ambition on 2030 climate, renewables and energy efficiency targets make the EU a lightweight.”


Greenpeace supports at least a 55% cut in domestic carbon emissions by 2030, a 45% share of renewables in the energy system and a binding commitment to cut energy waste across the EU. Energy and environment ministers from EU countries will voice their views on the Commission’s green paper at their Informal Council meeting in April.



[1] The scenarios used in the green paper make reference to a renewable share of 30% and cuts to greenhouse gas emissions of 40% by 2030.The green paper fails to recognise the need for a binding efficiency target.

[2] Commission green paper: A 2030 framework for climate and energy policies: link


Frederic Thoma – Greenpeace EU energy policy adviser: +32 (0)486 401895 (mobile),

Ed Davitt – Greenpeace EU communications officer: +32 476 988584 (mobile),

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