Break Free from Air Pollution Action in New Delhi


On the 20th March, 2018, environmental activists from diverse parts of India like - Delhi, Mumbai, Surat, Gorakhpur, Bangalore, Chennai, Hyderabad, Imphal - held a protest outside Badarpur power plant which has been shut down multiple times due to the significant amount of pollution it causes. This symbolic protest outside Badarpur Thermal Power Plant is a reminder to our government to take strict action against all the coal-fired power plants across India. The activists demanded the MoEF&CC; to immediately enforce the National Clean Air Programme by making it public and putting sector wise plan to achieve 35% emission reduction in three years in public domain.

The activists urged to “Break free from Coal, Clean Air Now” highlighting stationary sources like power plants which are one of the largest and the easiest source to tackle air pollution, provided there is a will.

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