Cool IT leaderboard (version 3)

Ranking climate leadership in the IT sector

Page - April 27, 2010
The Cool IT leaderboard evaluates global IT companies on their leadership in the fight to stop climate change. The IT sector possesses the innovative spirit, technological know-how, and political influence to bring about a rapid clean energy revolution.

Cool IT leaderboard

Version 3 (published: April 2010)

Companies like Google, IBM and Microsoft have already redefined many parts of the global economy with business that emphasizes rapid innovation, iteration and unprecedented gains in productivity. These companies must now apply their strengths to offer cutting edge, technological solutions that can rapidly achieve the significant reductions in global warming pollution that scientists tell us are needed in order to avoid the worst effects of climate change, while simultaneously boosting economic prosperity.

The current version of the leaderboard is Greenpeace's third evaluation of the IT sector's climate leadership. Companies have been and will be added or removed from future editions of the leaderboard in accordance with their leadership performance. The leaderboard includes a cross-section of the most significant and influential companies in the sector, and those which have previously demonstrated their ability to drive innovative change.

How the leaderboard is scored

The Cool IT leaderboard is updated regularly to track the progress of the largest IT brands towards achieving economy-wide greenhouse gas emissions reductions of 15 percent by 2020. The companies are evaluated in three key areas:

Browse the leaderboard

Download version 3 of the Cool IT leaderboard or click on the company names in the menu on the right to learn more.
