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Drought blog

Neelima Vallangi travelled across the parched, drought-hit areas of Maharashtra for two weeks. She braved the scorching summer and the challenging commute to bring out the true stories of Maharashtra's worst drought in the last forty years. Read her blogs here.

  • Failed corps and parched lands are the remnants of Maharasthra's drought

    Blogpost by Neelima Vallangi - June 14, 2013 at 12:30

    In Maharashtra, fields have dried up, so have the rivers and lakes, leaving people with temporary solutions to what could potentially turn into a permanent problem if not handled properly.

    Women in Sholapur district working to construct a catchment pond in hopes of being prepared for the next dry spell.Where is the greenery? Women in Sholapur district working to ... Read more >

  • The struggle for water continues in Maharashtra

    Blogpost by Neelima Vallangi - June 13, 2013 at 16:32
    A half constructed catchment pond	A half constructed catchment pond.

    Considering the severity of the drought situation in Maharashtra, one would think farmers and people living without water would be given top priority. But in a strange turn of events, water has been allocated to the... Read more >

  • Vellade – living with the ashes

    Blogpost by Neelima Vallangi - June 11, 2013 at 12:00

    Coal power plants polluting Velladi with ashA lake in Velladi where ash from power plants is released.

    Through the small window in the Gram Panchayat room, I could see dust particles coming in. Shocked, I asked if it was the ash that the villagers were talking about. They told me this was not ... Read more >

1 - 3 of 10 results.