Greenpeace India Annual Report 2010

Publication - September 19, 2011
This report outlines Greenpeace India’s key accomplishments in 2010, including (of course, in collaboration with other groups and movements), clauses of the nuclear liability bill, public and political support for decentralised renewable energy (DRE) in Bihar, and social audits on the government’s soil health schemes.

The year 2010 marked Greenpeace’s biggest initiatives so far in rural India. Through its work on DRE in Bihar and soil health in villages in building and grassroots mobilisation. The Board particularly appreciates that Greenpeace is getting better at maintaining the delicate balance needed to work successfully as part of larger alliances, and the learning from 2010 will hopefully be used for further improvement in 2011.

The organisation’s communications and other support functions are developing to keep pace with expanding campaigns. Work on the music video on climate change has gone through its ups and downs, leading to delays, but has progressed substantially since last year. Comprehensive plans are being developed to ensure optimal results from its launch.

Read the entire report (PDF, 11.6MB) here:
