LENOVO - 9th position, 3.9/10

Lenovo drops to 9th place in this edition of the Guide. Lenovo made progress by releasing products free of polyvinyl chloride plastic (PVC) and brominated frame retardants (BFRs) since the last Guide, but did not reach its extended goal of eliminating these chemicals from all its products by the end of 2011.

Lenovo’s performance in detail Download the company’s Scorecard (pdf)


On other Products criteria, Lenovo scores well for its use of recycled plastics. A slightly higher percentage of post-consumer plastics use would earn Lenovo maximum points. Lenovo receives additional points for disclosing information on warranties, spare parts, and increasing the number of products that meet or exceed Energy Star standards.

Lenovo increases its score on the Energy criteria. After achieving its targets for fiscal year 2011, Lenovo aims to establish new targets to reduce its GHG emissions by the end of 2012. To increase its score, Lenovo needs to set ambitious targets to reduce its own GHG emissions by at least 30% by 2015 for its operations and dramatically increase renewable electricity use by 2020. For additional points on this criteria, Lenovo needs a detailed clean electricity plan and political advocacy beyond its support for a 30% reduction in emissions from developed countries by 2020.

Lenovo’s best score on Sustainable Operations is its take-back programme in India, but still has work to do to ensure there is a programme in every area where its products can be purchased. Lenovo also has work to do on its policy on hazardous substances. In regards to conflict-free minerals, Lenovo is lagging behind its competitors; it must publish mapped smelters and suppliers. Lenovo also scores points for its take-back programme in India, but has work to do to ensure there is a programme in every area where its products can be purchased. While other companies are announcing responsible paper fibre sourcing policies, Lenovo specifies the use of “environmentally friendly packaging” but fails to publish a policy banning deforestation and illegal logging, or specify that its recycled fibres should be FSC certified.

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Lenovo's performance in detail: Download the company’s Scorecard here