245 results found

WMD report buried

Feature story | 6 October, 2003 at 2:00

Weapons inspector David Kay - the head of the "Iraq Survey Group" and hawkish pro-war cheerleader prior to the US attack - reports that the US has failed to find evidence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. A version of Kay's interim report...

Whitewashing Chernobyl's impacts

Press release | 5 September, 2005 at 2:00

At a press conference today, the IAEA presented the conclusions of its digest report, "Chernobyl's Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts," just released by the Chernobyl Forum. The digest, based on a three-volume, 600-page...

Chernobyl – A Nuclear Catastrophe 20 years on

Publication | 24 April, 2006 at 13:06

This review considers Chernobyl as it is today and how it might be in future decades. It gives regard to past decisions on how to isolate and cope with the radioactivity and contamination, and it reviews the present approach to management and...

The Chernobyl Catastrophe - Consequences on Human Health

Publication | 18 April, 2006 at 2:00

The difficult truth about the Chernobyl catastrophe: the worst effects are still to come.

Fukushima disaster: holding the nuclear industry liable

Blog entry by Kumi Naidoo | 12 March, 2013

Article originally published in the Guardian. The social aftershocks and radiation fears from the tragic tsunami and Fukushima nuclear disaster that rocked Japan two years ago today continue to wreak havoc. Adding insult to...

Severe corrosion threat to plutonium transport ships

Press release | 29 June, 2002 at 2:00

Serious corrosion that potentially risks the structural integrity of the entire fleet of nuclear freighters operated by British Nuclear Fuels has been revealed in information sent to the UK Government.

Fukushima suffering continues, but nuclear regulations make the public pay

Press release | 19 February, 2013 at 4:23

Tokyo, February 19, 2013 – The fallout from the Fukushima nuclear disaster continues for hundreds of thousands of victims in Japan still denied fair compensation from a regulatory system that allows the nuclear industry to evade its...

Fukushima radiation briefing

Background | 19 March, 2011 at 17:22

This Greenpeace briefing to provide analysis and advice of the risks and potential health impacts following releases of radioactivity from Japan’s Fukushima 1/Daiichi nuclear power plant, which was damaged by the March 11th earthquake and...

Chernobyl sampling operation briefing (October 2005)

Publication | 23 April, 2006 at 2:00

The Greenpeace sampling operation of October 2005, was concentrated in the area west from the Chernobyl reactor outside the so-called 'exclusion zone' at publically accessible territory. In total, some 40 samples at different locations of soil,...

The Hirsch Report

Publication | 28 May, 2007 at 14:00

A report on the Progress and Quality Assurance Regime at the EPR Construction at Olkiluoto and the Safety Implications of the Problems Encountered.

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