7 results found

Boiling Point: Multiple Crises and the Democratic Deficit

Blog entry by Kumi Naidoo | 2 July, 2014 1 comment

Kumi Naidoo, the Executive Director of Greenpeace International, has been a leader in human rights, social justice, and environmental activism for over three decades. Allen White of the Tellus Institute interviews Naidoo about how to...

Oh Gaia! I’m a Taoist!

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 7 April, 2017 12 comments

I am teaching a Chinese history class for local students, introducing them to Taoist literature —  Tao Te Ching, Zhuangzi, Taiping jing  — and I realized: I’m a Taoist at heart. In my twenties, I learned many of my fundamental beliefs...

Silent Spring, 2017

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 2 June, 2017 1 comment

In 1962, Rachel Carson published Silent Spring , drawing attention to the impact of DDT on bird populations. Her book inspired most nations to ban DDT by the 1980s. The ban and other protection efforts helped save some bird species...

CETA trade deal puts EU food and agriculture standards at risk

Blog entry by Kees Kodde | 20 September, 2017

Do you remember TTIP , the proposed trade deal between the US and the EU? Its negotiations were stopped by the hundreds of thousands of people who took to the streets in the capitals of Europe. 3.3 million signatures were collected...

Listening for Justice in Davos

Blog entry by Jennifer Morgan | 22 January, 2018

“ Another world is not only possible, she is on her way. On a quiet day, I can hear her breathing ” - Arundhati Roy I can hear her too. I have spent my working life trying to help others hear her. I wonder, when attending the...

2013: The Year In Photos

Feature story | 24 December, 2013 at 14:30

The year 2013 has been very eventful for Greenpeace on all points of the compass. Whether it be turning around a cargo container filled with fin whale meat in Hamburg, getting the palm oil industry to think twice about deforestation in Indonesia,...

Violence against Indigenous peoples destroys our common home

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 7 July, 2017 2 comments

In May this year, two brothers, Vázquez and Agustín Torres, were murdered near Guadalajara in Jalisco, Mexico. They were Wixárika (Huichol) leaders, working to preserve their land from incursion by cattle ranchers and drug cartels.

1 - 7 of 7 results.