1070 results found

In pictures: Over 30 years of anti-whaling campaigning

Feature story | 1 April, 2014 at 4:03 3 comments

For over 30 years, we've been standing together against whaling and senseless ocean destruction.

Mister Splashy Pants the whale - you named him, now save him

Feature story | 10 December, 2007 at 1:00

Out of 11,000 submissions in our competition to name the humpback whales we were tracking on their migration to the Southern Ocean, we narrowed it down to the final 30. Over 150,000 people then voted for their favourite name.

Landmark agreement for the deep-sea

Feature story | 26 May, 2007 at 2:00

After four years of campaigning to bring an end to deep-sea bottom trawling, an international agreement has been made to protect just under 25 percent of the high seas from this incredibly destructive fishing method.

Save the dugong - stop the airbase

Feature story | 1 March, 2005 at 1:00

"It is 8:30 am and I and 30 activists have been sitting on drilling platform #4 for an hour and a half. We can see workers from the Defense Construction Agency gathering on the beach of Camp Schwab, the US Marine Corp base at Henoko, Okinawa.

Three ways people power is changing the tuna industry for good

Blog entry by Graham Forbes | 23 October, 2015

The tuna industry is out of control. It is emptying the oceans of fish, killing other marine creatures like sharks and sea turtles — even abusing workers, who spend months or years at sea for meager pay. For years, tuna...

Enough is enough; we need to reclaim our seas and fisheries now

Blog entry by Duncan Williams | 3 December, 2013

The Western and Central Pacific is the world's largest tuna fishery , with millions of people depending on it for food and their livelihoods. It is also an economic lifeline for many of our region's small island states. But there is...

Supply Chained: Human rights abuse in the global tuna industry

Blog entry by Tara Buakamsri | 4 November, 2015

If you are a tuna lover, chances are good that someone who was forced to work for meagre pay — perhaps even under threat of violence — is behind your tuna curry or teriyaki. Human rights abuses in the tuna industry are serious and...

Art is essential to activism

Blog entry by Ryan Schleeter | 17 November, 2015

The environmental movement runs on innovation. Our biggest victories aren't won by out-spending or out-muscling our adversaries. Instead, we out-maneuver. We meet big challenges with even bigger creativity. And there are few...

While politicians fail, fishermen prevail

Blog entry by Angela Lazou | 2 December, 2015

"The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy". The famous words of Martin Luther King Jr. came very vividly to mind last...

Saving the last Japanese dugongs

Blog entry by Karli Thomas | 30 October, 2015 3 comments

The home of the last few Japanese dugongs is about to be landfilled to make way for two airstrips - part of the expansion of a US military base on the island of Okinawa. But a movement nearly 18 years old is standing up to say NO.

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