11 results found

GE-Free Future Tour - Hungary part 3

Blog entry by Teresa Belkow | 8 April, 2010 1 comment

April 2: Street activity in Budapest on Good Friday 02/04/2010 Greenpeace GE campaigner for Hungary, Balazs Tomori (R) speaks to the press about the campaign for a GE Free Future. On Good Friday the GE-Free Future bus was the...

Meeting the "3 Musketeers": Ministers guarding GE Free Luxembourg

Blog entry by mwilson | 7 April, 2010 1 comment

26th of March, Luxembourg city Luxembourg Minister of Health, Mr Bartolomeo signing our GE-Free Future bus. Early wake up again as today was the press conference day at the agriculture Ministry. Greenpeace Luxembourg has...

March 8: New Zealand says ‘yes’ to whaling

Blog entry by Almudena | 8 March, 2010

This is part of a trial series Canned Tuna in New World Supermarket, New Zealand 03/26/2009 New Zealand says ‘yes’ to commercial whaling New Zealanders are against whaling. Even their own government opposes whaling. So...

April 13: A GE hot potato

Blog entry by Almudena | 13 April, 2010

Greenpeace activists close Europe's biggest depot for GMO (genetically modified organism) potatoes in 'Gut Buetow', Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Germany . There are alternatives to GE crops. But The European Commission seems to think that...

Greenpeace block GMO potato warehouse

Image | 19 May, 2011 at 16:52

19 May 2011 - Sweden. It’s potato planting time again in the north of Sweden where activists are occupying BASF’s potato warehouse and are blocking the exit in order to hinder the German chemical company from planting the risky GMO potato...

GE-free tour extends to Germany and Sweden

Blog entry by Teresa Belkow | 13 April, 2010

Greenpeace activists close down GE potato depot 12/04/2010 The banner reads, 'EU GE Potato Depot Closed' There is 360 tons of GMO potato Amflora stored waiting for transportation to the Czech republic. As the GE Free Bus is...

March 12: Bulgaria blocks GE, Monsanto under pressure; EU companies in CO2 trading scam

Blog entry by mwilson | 12 March, 2010

Greenpeace activists protest against GE in front of EU-parliament. © Greenpeace / Eric de Mildt In Bulgaria the parliament has voted to ban GE crop cultivation . The decision comes as opposition grows to the EU Commission's "quiet"...

March 10: Opposition in EU to GE-potato; China, India ratify Copenhagen Accord

Blog entry by mwilson | 10 March, 2010 3 comments

Greenpeace has called for a renewed moratorium ("GE-Free!") in Switzerland on GE crops. © Greenpeace. Following the "quiet" introduction of genetically-engineered potato in the EU Commission (BASF's Amflora), more opposition has...

March 5: Exit Glacier in Alaska melting quicker as temperatures rise

Blog entry by Teresa Belkow | 5 March, 2010 1 comment

This is part of a trial series Glacier melt - proof of climate change Exit Glacier in Alaska is said to be steadily melting, shrinking two miles over the past 200 years as it tries to strike a new balance with rising...

March 3: European Commission allows GE potato

Blog entry by Teresa Belkow | 3 March, 2010 1 comment

This is part of a trial series Greenpeace stage an action with banners against the GE industry, in the hall of the EU commission building in Brussels. The action speaks out against methods used by GE companies to lobby the EU law...

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