4 results found

Historic Human Overshoot

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 25 January, 2012 11 comments

In nature, any successful species can overshoot a habitat, consuming resources faster than Earth’s ecosystems can replenish them. On Earth today, indicators such as species extinctions, soil loss, and global warming – tell us that...

Population and Ecology

Blog entry by Rex Weyler | 6 May, 2013 26 comments

World  governments, the public, and the UN now recognize that the human population number matters in achieving ecological sustainability for human communities. For forty years, since the first United Nations environment meeting in...

Tackling hunger and climate change: from farm to fork

Blog entry by Julian Oram | 2 December, 2011 1 comment

On the third annual Agriculture and Rural Development Day taking place in Durban, South Africa on December 3rd, governments will be grappling with an apparently unsolvable conundrum; how to feed a world that recently crossed the seven...

Sep 08 - Population

Background | 4 November, 2008 at 15:41

In 1972, Ben and Dorothy Metcalfe from the budding Greenpeace Foundation in Canada attended the world's first UN Conference on the Human Environment, in Stockholm, where they succeeded in putting nuclear bomb tests on the agenda with the help of...

1 - 4 of 4 results.