7 results found

Retailers' Guide to Sustainable and Equitable Pole and Line Skipjack

Publication | 27 April, 2009 at 13:39

Greenpeace is calling on retailers to switch to sources of pole and line skipjack tuna caught and processed (where possible) by coastal state operators, as the most sustainable and equitable option for canned tuna.

Greenpeace launches initiative for markets to “pre-order” sustainable skipjack tuna

Press release | 27 April, 2009 at 13:44

Greenpeace has launched guidelines and an on-line pre-order petition at the European Tuna Conference in Brussels calling on retailers, restaurants and tuna traders to pre-order and shift their supplies to sustainable and equitable skipjack tuna.

Class of 2006

Background | 13 October, 2006 at 19:51

Greenpeace online petition shows market demand for sustainable Pacific skipjack tuna

Press release | 1 September, 2009 at 18:08

Greenpeace has today announced that over 70 million tins of sustainable, pole-and-line-caught Pacific skipjack tuna have been pre-ordered as part of an online campaign to promote the development of sustainable and equitable pole-and-line skipjack...

Retailers' guide to Sustainable and Equitable Pole

Image | 22 April, 2009 at 15:48

Retailers' guide to Sustainable and Equitable Pole and Line Skipjack. April 2009.

Family members sell skip jack tuna at the

Image | 25 April, 2008 at 3:00

Family members sell skip jack tuna at the Honiara market, Solomon Islands. Over fishing of tuna threatens the food security and economy of the Solomon Islands.

1 - 7 of 7 results.