The threat of climate change

We all depend on a stable climate, but global warming threatens this vital foundation of all life. Climate change is here now and human activity, scientists agree, is the cause. Today every land on Earth is affected, but if we don't act now, the threat to our children and grandchildren will be far, far worse. Together we must make the leap to a safe, secure energy future for all, 100 percent powered by solar, wind and other clean renewable sources.

Climate change important and lasting changes in the global climate is happening because of global warming, the increasing average global temperature.

The global average temperature is now about 1° Celsius hotter than pre-industrial times.

Around the world, climate change already means hundreds of thousands of lives lost each year. The beautiful wildlife we love and seek to protect, from dazzling tropical coral reefs to powerful polar bears, is under threat.

Scientists are certain about the cause

The debate about the cause of global warming and climate change is over.

The cause, climate scientists agree, is human activity creating an overload of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.  Burning fossil fuels — coal, oil and gas — is the biggest source of these emissions.

It's time to solve the problem

Only urgent, deep cuts in emissions will give us a reasonable chance to avoid the worst impacts of climate change and keep global temperature rise under 1.5° Celsius.  

We have only a limited time to act — we can't wait any longer.

Keep fossil fuels in the ground

Greenpeace is working planet-wide to speed up the shift away from the dirty fossil fuels that cause climate change, pollute our air, and make us sick.

Greenpeace is fighting for climate justice for people, and to hold the big polluters to account.

Embrace a 100% clean, renewable energy future

Greenpeace has a positive vision for the future. We believe today's children will be the first to live in a world totally powered by the sun, wind and other safe, clean energy sources.

The latest updates


Greenpeace Energy [R]evolution shows direction at climate crossroads

Press release | 30 April, 2007 at 2:00

Greenpeace today demanded that the world’s Governments take immediate action to revolutionise global energy production and use, in response to repeated warnings about catastrophic climate change from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change...

Greenpeace launches its campaign against energy-wasting products Activists crush...

Press release | 20 April, 2007 at 2:00

As G8 and EU ministers gathered in Berlin to discuss energy efficiency measures, Greenpeace used a mechanised road roller to crush ten thousand energy-wasting light bulbs at the Brandenburg Gate today, demanding tough European efficiency...

World Bank challenged to fund the energy revolution and halt forest destruction

Press release | 13 April, 2007 at 2:00

Greenpeace International today accused the World Bank of hypocrisy and challenged the Bank at its spring meeting to put their money where its mouth is and stop funding projects that exacerbate climate change. Despite acknowledgment from the World...

Greenpeace: The world’s climate being betrayed by G8 states

Press release | 16 March, 2007 at 1:00

“G8: Stop Talking – Act Now” is the message sent by Greenpeace today to environment ministers meeting in the Cecilienhof Palace in Potsdam, Germany. Activists from the Greenpeace ship “Beluga II” swam to the palace to take a petition to the...

Greenpeace calls for urgent action on marine reserves at UN fisheries meeting

Press release | 5 March, 2007 at 1:00

Greenpeace today called on governments attending the biannual United Nations fisheries meeting in Rome this week to push for the implementation of a global network of fully protected marine reserves covering 40% of marine ecosystems as an...

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